Comprehensive Eye Health Services
Basic Eyecare Screening
Visual Acuity (Far and Near)
Refraction by autometer
Eye pressure reading with airpuff tonometer
Slitlamp Examination
Orthokerathology Dream Lens Fitting
Pre-assessment, refraction, corneal health exam and measurements
Initial Consultation and fittings reviews
Follow-ups and reviews (Every 3 months for a year) ​
Yearly follow-up consultation services
Advanced Eyecare Screening
Contact Lens Fitting
Visual Acuity (Far and Near)
Refraction by autometer
Eye pressure reading with airpuff tonometer
Slitlamp Examination
Refraction by registered Opticianry Practitioner
Amsler Grid test
Ishihara colour vision test
Retinal and optic disc evaluation
Retinal photography (read by a qualified eye specialist)
Premium Eyecare Screening
Includes all exams performed in Advance Eyecare Screening
Visual field testing for glaucoma screening
Initial Consultation: Refraction, corneal health exam and measurements
Trial fittings, maintenance and wearing guidance and follow-ups
Myopia Control Management
Ophthalmologist (eye specialist) reviews
Optometrist reviews (every 3 months)
Cyclopegic Refractions
Subjective Refractions
Retinal Photography
Axial length measurements
Attractive discounts off myopia lenses